Wednesday, May 28, 2008

phew...after going thru 3 days of fun n tourchering at Dusun Eco Resort Pahang for the PM training, now finally coem back to kolej

damn tire....

the leg muscle so painful..the trainer say the muscle sure 'pecah' o

the scheulde of training in those 3 days
1) we were ordered to go into the kolam in 4.30am in the morning...ouch!!!!the water is damn cool...nearly freeze to death...but now,i wish i can go in once again..really fun
2) flying fox....nothing much more to comment,but it really fun n feel cool while sliding in the air!!!
3) rempuh halangan.....this is where the teamwork spirit show itself..everyone support one another with all their might...
4) here comes the best part jungle trekking....each group assigned two pair of baldi with full of rock..we MUST carry it till the end..beside, we oso being given 3 eggs to be carry with bare hand..during the jungle trekking,master, tuan syed, leftanan, kak lintau n shukor join my group...i jump, i slide, i swim, i rendam,i run n lot more....somemore, we hv to star jump,squart jump.....tire n sore muscle....

conclusion, i enjoy the training so much that i definitely will join it again b=next year if i can do so!!!!!
so looking forward to the MHS!!!!